Ally Wright

Ally Wright is the Director of Career and Professional Development at Langston University. In her first year as Director Ally had a record breaking student turn out to the Fall Career Fair with over 500 Langston Students in attendance. In the Spring semester she broke another record has her Spring Career fair had 99 employers in attendance. Before coming to Langston last June Ally severed as the Director of FastTrack an accelerated bachelor’s degree program at Talladega College in Talladega Alabama. Within her program she carried over 150 students and had the largest graduating class in the program’s history. Ally has also worked in the office of Financial Aid where she served as the assistant director and oversaw all federal verification and reconciliation processes. Ally has her master’s degree from Angelo State University in Sports Administration and a bachelor’s degree from Buffalo State College in Sport Journalism. In additional to her work accomplishments, Ally is a proud mother to her one year old son Reece and wife to her husband of three years Chris.